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7 giugno 2017 3 07 /06 /giugno /2017 14:23

dallara p217 nose lm config

24H Le Mans 2017

dallara  p217 nose config hdownforce

24H Le Mans 2017

oreca 07 nose lm config  use a skin on ffender (same riley-multimatic MK30_see lmp2 double face post))

24H Le Mans 2017

oreca 07 nose hdownforce

24H Le Mans 2017

ligier jsp217 lmp2 nose

left lm config_right_hdownforce

24H Le Mans 2017

ligier jsp217 lmp2 nose with different aero kit for lm


24H Le Mans 2017

riley mk30 edge front floor

24H Le Mans 2017

porsche 919h different conf mouth radiators open/closed

24H Le Mans 2017

porsche 919h bboards lm test

left_monza_right_spa/lm t

24H Le Mans 2017

porsche 919h s-ductnose

24H Le Mans 2017

porsche 919 s-duct duoble exit

24H Le Mans 2017

porsche 919h louver inner rfender different angle

24H Le Mans 2017

porsche 919h duct in mouth of sidepod

24H Le Mans 2017

toyota ts050 rear wheels dive planes (suspension arms wing profiled_red aroow)

24H Le Mans 2017

toyota ts050 undernose vg

24H Le Mans 2017

bykolles rear fender vertical plan with gurney front view (red arrow)

24H Le Mans 2017

bykolles rear fender vertical plan back view

24H Le Mans 2017

riley mk 30 sidepod nu aero config

24H Le Mans 2017

wc technical analysis: 24h le mans article


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