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r15 ghost

R15 frontwinghost A low+



front evolution

nose vent




left nose vent and double front wing sebring 2009

right nose vent reduction and horizontal winglet le mans 2009

R15 nose back vent low+




illegal brakes cooling duct

R15 side-tunnel-Low-




air intakes with aerodinamic effects?

Audi-R15-TDI wing tunnel low+







air intakes with aerodinamic effects? two
audi R15 Tunnel LOW


rear wing evolution

AudiR15 rear wind Low+



rear endplane supports

AudiR15 rear wind 2 Low+



turbo inlet s


2_le mans

R15 airscop low+



side intake air brake vent exit

AudiR15side vent-low--copia-1



engine cover

1_sebring engine hole

2_le mans covered engine hole and duck tail

R15 engine cover Low+



naca petit le mans 

R15 engine cover Naca Low+



audi r15 tdi uncovered on  racecar engineering

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