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18 settembre 2014 4 18 /09 /settembre /2014 17:08

919 front

_left paul ricard_right debut

Porsche 919 H analysis

919 front

_left lm_right silverstone

Porsche 919 H analysis

919 front

_left magny cours_right lm

Porsche 919 H analysis

919 front

_left paul ricard_right debut

Porsche 919 H analysis

919 front

_left silverstone_right lm

Porsche 919 H analysis

919 front

_left magny cours_right lm

Porsche 919 H analysis

919 rear debut

Porsche 919 H analysis

919 rear paul ricard

_left low drag_right high drag

Porsche 919 H analysis

919 rear evo

_paul ricard

Porsche 919 H analysis

919 rear evo

_lm presentation a

Porsche 919 H analysis

919 rear evo

_lm presentation b

Porsche 919 H analysis

919 rear evo

_lm presentation b (flexible illegal)

Porsche 919 H analysis

919 rear evo

_lm presentation to illegal solution lock the body

Porsche 919 H analysis

porsche 919h vg evo

_paul ricard 2014

Porsche 919 H analysis

_spa 2014

Porsche 919 H analysis

_cota 2014

Porsche 919 H analysis

porsche 919 underfloor flux

Porsche 919 H analysis

porsche 919h front diffuser vg

Porsche 919 H analysis
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