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25 marzo 2011 5 25 /03 /marzo /2011 20:26

peugeot 908 monza test

left front bodywork upgrade

Peugeot 908 Front2 low



above rear bodywork evo

Peugeot 908 RearWing3 lower

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23 marzo 2011 3 23 /03 /marzo /2011 22:49

audi r18 sebring test 2011

shakedown in red test sebring in black

Audi-R18-TDI low



intakes for air flow inside roof s duct

sidepod airflow 1 2 3 low



first evolution_side view

1_winter test

2_after 12h test

r18 Side Fin2 lower



first evolution_front

left winter test  right sebring post race test

R18 frontwing 2 lower

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21 marzo 2011 1 21 /03 /marzo /2011 20:43

pescarolo rear

left lmp2  right lmp1

Pescarolo Rear Oak 2011 low

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18 marzo 2011 5 18 /03 /marzo /2011 21:03

amr-one first test

_very hot-rod exhaust

_front single dive plane

_duct for radiator s cooling [same amr-lola?!?] green arrow

_all side pod for drag effect ?!? blu arrow

AMR exaust low

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16 marzo 2011 3 16 /03 /marzo /2011 00:59

audi r15+

front diffuser with vortex generators

R15 underwing low



peugeot 908 undernose

908 in black  908 hdi fap in red

908 underwing low



Lola lmp2

lola honda vs lola judd different ways of engine cooling

lola S fin judd honda low



acura arx lmp1

_new cuts for exit of hot air brakes above and to the side of front fender

_nu flap horizontal between two flaps vertical

HR arx1e nose lower

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14 marzo 2011 1 14 /03 /marzo /2011 17:18

pescarolo team lmp1 rear

left  2011 right 2009 

Pescarolo Rear 2011 low



lola  b11/40 lmp2

detail of the fin

lola S fin low

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11 marzo 2011 5 11 /03 /marzo /2011 21:51

arx1 e

the high front fender and the two vertical flaps

HR arx1e flap low




hpd arx 1 rear

left 1e  highcroft  right 1d rml

iendplane wing and tail are different

lower outboard bodywork are same

HDP rear lower



hpd arz 01 e_volution

side view in black arx 2011 see arrows for bodywork evolution

HR arx1e side low



arx 01 front in red 2010 version in black 2011 rendering

HR arx1e front low

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11 marzo 2011 5 11 /03 /marzo /2011 18:09

pescarolo lmp1

left 2009 version right 2011 with tail rounded above and nu air intake for the brake in the belly

PescaroloSide2011 low copia

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8 marzo 2011 2 08 /03 /marzo /2011 11:36
it is a space dedicated to cars LMP
and to their developments with the only support of the design.
this space shall be only another point of view on the cars endurance.
i take the opportunity to greet and thank all the technical,
photographers and journalists and fans
that  have always supported me every time
i asked them information, or simple photographic material reports,
recalling that the material is available to all.
good vision
antonio pannullo

r18 f flux low

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4 marzo 2011 5 04 /03 /marzo /2011 11:05

pescarolo oak

new linear tail right

Pescarolo tail Oak low

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