lola mazda lmp1 dyson turbo and brake inlet evo IV
audi r18 vs dome s102 chassis
lola rebellion front nose back view _open version_imola/estoril with end blames curved red arrow _closed version_24h lm with linear blames red arrow and inlet s cooling brakes
lola mazda lmp1 dyson turbo and brake inlet evo _mid-ohio _mosport _lime rock
delta wing in black vs amr-one in red side view delta wing in black vs amr-one in red front view note the bodywork of amr is mirrored
audi r18 front diffuser !?#*
lola rebellion toyota lmp1 2011 _trailing edge gurney imola red arrow _trailing edge gurney lm yellow arrow audi r18 aerokit _6h imola 2011 _24h le mans 2011 _6h spa 2011 oreca 03 lmp2 diffuser
thanks to all for your support in 4 months over 7000 unique visitors and over 17000 pages visited antonio pannullo
amr_one test le mans and monza return of swan wing support
spa 2011 lola rebellion left front nose spa right front nose test lm spa 2001 pescarolo oak different nose and endplane diffuser left lm test right spa spa 2011 908 stripe at end tunnel beween front fender and side pod spa 2011 peugeot 908 air brakes...
peugeot 908 evo front nose back view
hpd arx 1e left with dive plane test right without dive plane race hpd arx 1e front fender back view _2011 _2010 hpd arx 1e endplane rear wing peugeot 908 sebring 2011 nose wing
peugeot 908 monza test left front bodywork upgrade above rear bodywork evo
amr-one first test _very hot-rod exhaust _front single dive plane _duct for radiator s cooling [same amr-lola?!?] green arrow _all side pod for drag effect ?!? blu arrow
pescarolo team lmp1 rear left 2011 right 2009 lola b11/40 lmp2 detail of the fin
pescarolo lmp1 left 2009 version right 2011 with tail rounded above and nu air intake for the brake in the belly
pescarolo oak new linear tail right
r18 front test monza 2011 left r18 V2.1 right r18 V2.0 audi r18 rear test monza 2011 left r18 V2.1 right r18 V 2.0
audi r18 sebring test 2011 shakedown in red test sebring in black intakes for air flow inside roof s duct first evolution_side view 1_winter test 2_after 12h test first evolution_front left winter test right sebring post race test
audi r18 ultra/e-tron the underfloor with an curved extension around the front tyres for better airflow under sidepods
pescarolo rear left lmp2 right lmp1
lola rebellion lmp1 24h le mans race 2012 left_lm 2012 shutter panels_right_ single long panel norma lmp2 fin with double asimmetric winglet pylons audi r18 hy pull rod suspension for more info visit
toyota ts030 in left sidepod below the mouth of radiator an air intake naca to cool a control unit
radical libra evo _2013_in yellow _2012
delta wing under floor