porsche 917 side
_spa 1969
porsche 917 side
_le mans 1969
_le mans test 1969
porsche 917 side
_kyalami 1969
porsche 917 front
porsche 917 front
_pre1969_spa 1969
porsche 917 front
_nurburgring 1969_le mans 1969
porsche 917 rear k
_spa 1969_test pre 1969
porsche 917 rear k
_nurburgring 1969_kyalami 1969
porsche 917 rear k vs lh
porsche 917 rear lh
_le mans 1969_le mans test 1969
porsche 917 rear k mobile wings
porsche 917 rear lh mobile wings
rebellion r13 front fender vertical wing
rebellion r13 lmp1 covered the vgs in front of the rear wheels
bykolles low drag vs high drag
_ le mans
_silverstone (yellow)
bykolles nose
_left _high drag_right_low drag
bykolles front fender trailing edge evo
from left_prologue_spa_silverstone
toyota ts050 skid block
for infrangment of article 3.5.6.d of the 2018 lmp1-h technical regulation (deflection of skid block)
toyota disqualified
technical analysis articles on Connectingrod
br1 dallara front aerokit
_left_low drag_right_high drag
br1 dallara bboards
br1 dallara curved footplane
br1 dallara front splitter
br1 lmp1 bboards sidepod (low and high drag)
see also br1 2017
ligier jsp217 le mans aerokit
_left_hdf version_right_ldf version
ligier jsp217 le mans aerokit back view
dallara lmp2 le mans aerokit
_low downforce
_high downforce
br1 dallara aerokit
br1 dallara aerokit gurney on hole ffender
br1 dallara aerokit
front splitter vent exit + bhhole gurney (red arrow)
toyota ts050 boards
toyota ts050 front splitter vgs
toyota ts050 innertail splitter curved (same2017)
more info technical analysis 24h le mans
rebellion r13 front
_left r13_right_oreca 07
rebellion r13front body bboards
_left r13_right_oreca 07
rebellion r13front body bboards
rebellion r13 side winglets
rebellion r13 sidebboards
rebellion r13 front diffuser blames
rebellion r13 rear
_left r13_right_oreca 07
rebellion r13 rear end wing
rebellion r13 air brakes duct
rebellion r13 rear fnder vgs
rebellion r13 front mainplane end
_leht_r13_right_oreca 07
technical analysis rebellion r13
article by riccardo romanelli drawings antonio pannullo
bykolles front
left_2017_right_2018 prologue
bykolles under nose flux
bykolles end front 2nd plane extension (red arrow)
bykolles rear
bykolles front barge boards+ brakes duct
_left 2017_right 2018
bykolles front barge boards
bykolles front fender dive planes
bykolles ffender dive planes at spa (in yellow)
bykolles floor trailing edge barge board
bykolles end wheel bboards
_spa2018 (red arrow)
toyota ts050 front
toyota ts050 ffender dive planes
toyota ts050 ffender dive planes low down force
toyota barge boards end front wheel
toyota front fender flux
toyota sidepod vertical planes
toyota rear
toyota ts050 rear edge plane + gurney
toyota ts 050 bboards
technical analysis toyota ts050 2018 spec. article on
porsche 919h record
porsche 919h front
left_prologue 2017_right_spa 2018
porsche 919h rear
left_prologue 2017_right_spa 2018
porsche 919h side
above_prologue 2017
below_spa 2018
porsche 919h edge floor sidepod blade
porsche 919h rear diffuser
technical analysis: porsche 2018 spec. article by ing. riccardo romanelli